Aims and Objectives
- To provide facilities for Muslims in New Zealand to learn and practice Islam based on the Qur’aan and the authentic Hadeeth according to the understanding of the Sahaabah and the Salaf
- To safeguard and improve the welfare of Muslims
- To promote and develop understanding and cooperation between Muslims and Non-Muslims
- To set up administrative bodies to administer any real estate or institutions owned or operated by the Trust
- To raise funds locally and overseas and employ the same for any of the objectives of the Trust
- To affiliate with organizations with similar aims and objectives
- To do any and all other things that are lawful and permissible in Islam which will further the aims and objectives of the Trust
- Shaykh Dr. Mohammad Anwar Sahib (Chairman)
- Mohammed Rafiq
- Mohammed Afiz
- Muntazeem Faiyaz Khan
Ongoing Projects
- Masjid at-Taqwa, a mosque and fully equipped Islamic centre in Auckland.
- New Zealand Islamic Information Centre (NZIIC), a national da’wah organization.
- Madrasah at-Taqwa, a part-time Islamic school for children.
- Federation of Muslim Scholars of New Zealand (FMSNZ), an association of our qualified religious experts.
Selection of Past Projects
- Eid gifts for recently arrived refugee children of all faiths, Ramadaan 2017.
- Fiji Cyclone Appeal, February-March 2016
- Islamic Art and Cultural Exhibition, April 2010.
Brief description of the property that the Trust has purchased:
56-58 Grayson Avenue, Manukau City, Auckland.
Description: Warehouse & Office Warehouse/Factory area – 441.5 sq meters (4752 sq ft) Ground Floor Office/ amenities – 85.5 sq meters (920 sq ft) made up of 3 offices, Large Lunch room, 2 Toilets & Shower Upstairs – 2 Bedrooms, 1 storage room, lounge & kitchen, toilet, toilet & laundry room. Parking Space for 40 cars.
Land Area: 1407 square meters.
Location of proposed Property: This property is located within the Manukau City Central Business District and 1 km from Hunters Corner in Papatoetoe (a very central and densely populated area). It is close to the main Motorways and also the Auckland Airport.
Manukau City is New Zealand’s third largest city and is situated approximately 20 km South of Auckland City (New Zealand’s largest city) and about 10 km from Auckland International Airport. The 2001 New Zealand Census report states that Manukau City had a population of 283197, making it the third largest city in the country after Auckland (345768) and Christchurch (309028). It is one of the most ethnically diverse cities in New Zealand with 165 different ethnic groups. The branded Identity of Manukau City is MANUKAU – FACE OF THE FUTURE. In the last 3 decades approximately 7000 people were added to the population each year. The 2001 census report states that there were approximately 4000 Muslims residing in Manukau. With the influx of a large number of Muslim migrants in the last 4 years we can assume that this number would have almost trippled by now. Being the third largest city in New Zealand, Central Manukau, itself, does not have a mosque or Islamic centre for worship. Muslim brothers and sisters who work or reside within the fringe of the city found it difficult to reach a centre within a reasonable time to perform their salaah in congregation, including Jumu’ah prayer until Masjid at-Taqwa opened.
Allaah’s Messenger (sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam) said:
“Whoever builds a masjid for the sake of Allaah – though it be the size of a bird’s nest – Allaah will build for him a house in paradise!”
[Reported by Ahmad – graded authentic by an-Nawawee and al-Albaanee]
“If anyone purifies himself in his house, and then walks to one of the houses of Allaah to fulfill one of the obligations laid down by Allah, then each one of his steps will erase one of his sins and the next will raise his rank.”
[Reported by Muslim]
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