At Taqwa Trust is collecting Zakat, Fitrana (Zakat-ul-Fitr), Sadaqah (voluntary charity) and Fidyah. Fitrana amount is $10 times number of family members/dependants (including yourself) and Fidyah amount is $5 times total number of days of fasting missed. Please use the appropriate reference when paying.
Payment Information
Account Name
At Taqwa Trust
Account Number
Bank Details
Bank of New Zealand (BNZ)
Put one of these: zakat, fitrana, fidyah or sadaqah.
Please use Internet Banking method (via your bank app or website) to pay. If you use other methods, the bank/payment processor may deduct a fee from your payment affecting your zakat/fitrana/fidyah amount so please be aware of this.
Jazaakumullaahu khairan and may Allaah accept.
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Salaikum alaikum, I would like to ask why is there a difference in the amount of Fitrana? I have seen $10 and $15 on the website of different masjids?
$10 amount must have been announced many years ago. Please check it again.
Yes, the post above mentions the new $15 amount.
Wa alaikumussalaam. Depends on what food type the distributors are buying, where they’re buying from and distributing and whether they’re repacking in 3kg packs or just distributing the whole unopened 5kg pack… You can contact the imaam Shaykh Anwar if you need more explanation.